Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Annual October Reading of Master and Margarita (Chapters 1-15)

October 1, we embark once again upon reading The Master and Margarita. Many are easily turned off by its - at times - confusing stories. But when you look at when it was written and think about some of its themes and symbolism, the story begins to have much more meaning then just talking cats playing chess and naked witches flying around on pigs. Be a witness to Pilate and Jesus, watch Judas beg, and Benga be a loyal dog to someone who seems to never show any mercy.

Have you read it? Many are turned off by it. It is a bit all over the place, the names confusing, and you wonder what any of it has to do with each other. It's worth taking the time. 

I use the Michael Glenny translation for the blog.

Some character you may meet: 

Berlioz, Mikhail Alexandrovich – Also known as Misha. He is the chairman at MASSOLIT

Ponyryov (Ivan Nikolaevich Bezdomny) – A poet

Woland - Also known as The Professor, The Foreigner

Styopa (Stepan Bogdanovich) Likhodeyev – Director of the Theatre

Behemoth – A rather large, black, talking, chess-playing cat

Korovyov – Part of Woland’s entourage. Always in a checkered jacket and pince-nez glass.

Azazello – Part of Woland’s entourage

The Master – The book’s namesake. In love with Margarita. He is a writer who cannot get his book about Pilate and Jesus published.

Margarita – The Master’s lover

Hella – A vampress with bright red hair who works for Woland

Pilate - Roman procurator of the province of Judea from 26-36 AD. He also has a dog in the story (Benga)

Yeshua Ha Nostri - Believed to be the Jesus we know. 

Matevi – A disciple of Yeshua

Judas – Betrayed Yeshua

It is time!!! 
The Master and Margarita annual reading begins now. 

Chapter 1: Never Talk to Strangers

It is summer in Patriarch’s Ponds. Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, editor and chairman of the writer’s union Massolit, and the younger poet Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev, who writes under the pseudonym Bezdomny.

The two men buy warm apricot juice at a refreshment kiosk (it is oddly the only drink available). Berlioz, who has a bout of hiccups, and then seemingly an anxiety attack, also sees an extremely tall, thin, and transparent man who appears to be levitating just above the ground. Berlioz tells Ivan about the sight, explaining it as “something like a hallucination” and exclaiming dismissively, “Pah, the devil!”

Berlioz discusses with Ivan about a poem he has been commissioned to write. While it is supposed to be “anti-religious”, Berlioz comments that Ivan indeed made Jesus seem “too alive”.

The mysterious man appears again, and Berlioz dismisses him as “foreign”. He is wearing an expensive grey suit, a beret, and carrying a stick “with a black knob shaped like a poodle’s head.” He also has two crowns on his front teeth, one platinum and one gold. Similarly, this stranger’s eyes are also two different colors: black and green. He sits down on the next bench down from Berlioz and Ivan.

After asking a series of questions, the stranger, predicts the demise of Berlioz in an odd way, referencing Anna, sunflower seed oil, and decapitation. Briefly producing a card with the words “Professor” and “W” readable, the stranger proceeds to tell the gentlemen that “Jesus did exist.”


Chapter 2: Pontius Pilate

The Professor begins his story: It is the day before Passover. Pontius Pilate has had an excruciating headache all day and he’s blaming it on the smell of rose oil from the garden.

A beaten prisoner Yeshua is placed before Pilate, having been sentenced to death for inciting the people. Of course, Yeshua, tries to deny the charge. His humbleness seems to anger Pilate, who insists the prisoner call him Hegemon. When asked if he told the people to destroy the temple.

Yeshua proceeds to tell Pilate that he has senses he has a headache and would rather be with his dog, Banga, than dealing with himself, the prisoner. That you can’t give all of your attention to a dog because you’ve lost faith in the people. Shockingly, he also tells him to take a walk, while also predicting a coming storm.

Pilate tells the guards to unbind the prisoner. He continues his line of questioning, asking him if he’s a physician. Also, he questions whey Yeshua calls everyone “good people.”

Explaining why he refers to everyone as “good,” Yeshua states that “there are no evil people in the world.”

Pilate asks Yeshua if it is true that he has said anything bad about the emperor Caesar and then questions Yeshua on whether he knows Judas from Karioth and if Yeshua said what he was reported by Judas to have said. Yeshua readily admits what he told Judas. This was when he was arrested.

Pilate becomes very angry and confirms Yeshua’s death sentence. He orders that Yeshua be kept separate from the other prisoners and, that no prison guard is allowed to talk to him.

Pilate is then visited by Joseph Kaifa, a high priest. In honor of Passover, the Sanhedrin are allowed to choose a prisoner to set free: either Bar-Rabban or Yeshua. Kaifa tells Pilate that Bar-Rabba is their choice.

Pilate seems bothered by their choice, asking several times if that is really their choice. They argue over the reason as to not choose Yeshua. It seems as of the “peaceful philosopher” has made an impact on Pilate. But it is Bar-Rabba who is to be set free. Yeshua’s death sentence is final. It is 10am.


Chapter 3: The Seventh Proof

The professor ends his story. Berlioz argues that this foreigner’s story does not match what is in the Gospels. Amused, the Professor whispers that he was there so he actually knows the story better…because he was there (of course!).

The two look at the stranger as if he’s mad (no, they know he’s mad).

Berlioz then inquires as to where the professor will be staying during his visit to Moscow. The professor says he’ll be staying at Berlioz’s. He then asks Ivan if he believes in the devil.

Berlioz decides to sneak off and make a phone call to the to report the professor. As Berlioz hurries off, the professor calls to him to ask if Berlioz would like a telegram sent to his uncle in Kiev. Berlioz is confused, as he does have an uncle in Kiev but there’s no way the professor would know.

Walking towards the train station, Berlioz notices the same man that had seemed to be levitating earlier dressed in checkered directs Berlioz to the turnstile and, taking off his jockey cap, asks Berlioz to spare some change.

Berlioz steps through the turnstile to cross to the tram tracks but notices a tram racing towards him. He moves back to safety but, as he does so, slips and tumbles into the path of the tram and is decapitated.

Chapter 4: The Pursuit

Ivan runs to the turnstile and sees Berlioz’s head bouncing on the pavement. He can barely stand as he hears two women discussing what happened … Anna spilled sunflower oil by the turnstile, making the floor slippery. Had thief foreigner planned that whole thing? How could he have known?

He goes back to the bench, and finds the strange man still sitting there, talking with a companion wearing checkered trousers and a jockey cap.

The professor pretends to not speak or understand Russian as Ivan asks the professor his identity. The companion tells Ivan not to bother the foreigner. Ivan begins to suspect the companion is also in on the charade…but disappears and re-appears when Ivan tries to grab him.

Ivan notices the two men suddenly far off in the distance … joined by a big black cat the size of a pig walking on his hind legs. Ivan runs after them and the large cat runs onto the tram, pushing a screaming woman off to make room for himself, but also offers to pay the fare.

Ivan continues his chase of the professor but quickly loses him. However, Ivan has the feeling that he will be at No. 13 flat 47. He bursts through the front door of course the professor will be hiding in the bathroom! In the bathroom is a woman taking a bath, who seems more alarmed that her husband will return soon than of Ivan bursting through the door.

Oddly, Ivan steals a religious candle from the apartment and heads to the Moscow River now convinced that this is where he will find the professor. He dives into the water after removing his clothes and giving them to a random person.

Not finding the professor, Ivan exits the water and finds only underwear, a torn blouse, and the icon with a box of matches. He decides to head to Griboedov’s, of course the professor will be there!

Art by Lana Azore

Chapter 5: The Affair at Griboyedov

Griboedov’s is building that houses Massolit, the literary society headed up by Berlioz and boasts a fancy restaurant.

At this time, writers are waiting for Berlioz, who of course, is on three tables down at the morgue.

At midnight, the restaurant comes to life with a band and dancing. Just as suddenly, the restaurant manager, Archibald, runs in telling all about Berlioz’s death. Shortly after, Ivan appears in his underwear and torn shirt, of course, he is also holding the lit candle. Everyone agrees, Ivan has gone delirious as he begins to share stores of a stranger, that Berlioz’s death was perpetrated by none other than Professor W. Oh, and then there was the walking, taking cat.

Ivan rants frenziedly about the events surrounding the strange professor, making little sense to anyone in the restaurant. He tells them that the professor killed Berlioz, but on being asked the professor’s name can only remember that it begins with a “W.” As Ivan goes on describing, amongst other things, a walking, talking cat, someone suggests calling a doctor for him. Ivan is soon hauled off by the police to a psychiatric clinic. 

r/Tattoo Designs

Chapter 6: Schizophrenia

Ivan sits along with poet Ryukhin in the exam room of the clinic.

This time Ivan tells the doctors of the plot to Berlioz, orchestrated by the foreigner, oh, who also happened to be with Pontius Pilate when Jesus was condemned to death. Ivan tries to leave but is given a shot and taken to room 117. Diagnoses with alcoholism and schizophrenia. Ryukhin travels back, reflecting on his own career, that Ivan was just insulting. He returns at dawn to Griboedov where he drinks vodka after vodka, ruminating on the hours he has lost trying to help Ivan.

Chapter 7: The Haunted Flat

In flat no. 50 on Sadovaya Street, Berlioz’s roommate, Stepa Likhites (manager of the Variety Theatre) wakes up from a drunken night on the town to discover a stranger seated in his room. This very flat has had a series of disappearances and, some even say, a history of witchcraft.

The stranger provides him with food, and they both have a drink, since hair of the dog is better than aspirin. The stranger explains that he is a professor of black magic, and we also now know him as Woland!). Stepa has apparently agreed to sign his variety show and to advance him a payment of. Stepa has no memory this interaction, and then this man, whom the reader knows to be Woland, produces a copy of contract, on which Stepa sees his own characteristic signature.

Stepa calls for his housekeeper Grunya. But Woland has sent her off on vacation.

Suddenly, a tall man with a pince-nez and an enormous black cat appears in his flat. The companion from Patriarch’s, whose name is Koroviev, and the cat that Ivan saw earlier. Stepa begins to suspect he is going mad.

The three tell him that there is no longer room for him in his apartment, and that it will be their space now. They make fun of him for acting in such a greedy way, and a fourth man, Azazello joins their company. The cat yells at Stepa to “scat!”, and Stepa falls and hits his head. When he awakes, he is sitting on a jetty in Yalta.

                                                                                 Artwork by Tasha Ivy

Chapter 8: Duel between Professor and Poet

Just as Stepa loses consciousness in Yalta, Ivan awakens in the hospital. The nurse mentions foreign tourists, not knowing what and transpired the awful memories return. He decides not to tell her about Pontius Pilate. She gives him a bath. He is then questioned by many doctors and undergoes a physical exam.

He eats breakfast and Doctor Stravinsky enters. His air of power reminds him of Pontius Pilate. He explains the story of Pontius Pilate to Doctor Stravinsky and tells him all about the mysterious stranger. Doctor Stravinsky humors him, asking him relevant questions, and says he will let Ivan leave if he will simply tell him "I am normal." Ivan does this, but the doctor reminds Ivan that he will be walking around in the clothes he came in (underwear and a torn shirt) but will likely be sent back once he tells others about the professor and Pilate. Ivan decides to stay in the hospital.


Chapter 9: Koroviev’s Tricks

Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoi is the house chairman of No. 302-b Sadovaya Street, where Berlioz lived. Many have tried to claim Berlioz's vacated rooms. He goes to apartment 50 and finds Koroviev, who says he is the interpreter of the foreigner who is living in the apartment. He explains that Stepa invited Woland while he is away in Yalta. To Nikanor’s surprise, there is a letter from Stepa in his briefcase. He feels silly he forgot, citing exhaustion.

He questions Koroviev, saying that nobody is allowed on the premises, and Koroviev says he is the interpreter of "the foreign gentleman who resides in this apartment." Koroviev says that Stepa had invited Woland to stay there for a week or so, and that now Likhodeyev is taking a trip to Yalta. In fact, there is a letter in Nikanor Ivanovich's briefcase from Stepa stating exactly that. With some strong prompting, Ivan talks Nikanor into calling the Tourist Office to get final approval for the foreigner to reside in Berlioz’s old flat. And of course, tells Nikanor, the foreigner is a millionaire, so charge him a lot! Koroviev also plies Nikanor with tickets to the professor’s upcoming show at the theatre.

Once Nikanor leaves, Woland asks Koroviev to ensure that he not come back. Korovivev obliges and calls up the authorities, pretending to be a tenant claiming that Nokanor is dealing in black market exchange and has hidden the money in the W.C.

As Nikanor sits down to a wonderful meal of borscht with marrow, courtesy of his wife, there is a knock at the door. The authorities ask where the W.C. is and of course they find the foreign money. When he tries to show them proof of why he had the money, the letter in his briefcase, it has seemingly vanished.

He is taken away by the authorities and under the watchful eyes of neighbors who won’t miss Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoi.


Chapter 10: News from Yalta

The house and financial managers of the Variety Theater sit in the theater office. The head usher delivers playbills announcing Professor Woland's black magic act, and both men admit they have never met Woland himself, but Stepa had demanded the contract be written up. Stepa is nowhere to be found, and the managers are discussing how rude he is.

Numerous telegraphs are delivered to the theater managers stating that Stepa is actually in Yalta, to which neither of them believes since Stepa was at his apartment earlier in the day.

Upon calling Stepa’s apartment, Koroviev answers stating that Stepa has gone for a ride. Another telegram is delivered, this time demanding money. One of the managers is about to leave with the money to wire it to Stepa when Azazello now calls. He orders the mangers not to do anything with the telegrams.

They refuse to listen, and the manager leaves with the money only to be attacked by Behemoth, the black talking cat and Azazello. They warn him that he should have listened. As they disappear, a naked, red headed woman who appears “glittered” appears and kisses the manager, her cold hands on his shoulders. 

                                                                    Art by 4DarKop5

Chapter 11: The Two Ivans

Ivan sits weeping in his bed, trying to write a report to the police about the events that led up to Berlioz's death. He is overthinking everything he writes, because he also wants them to believe that he is not crazy. Everything he writes makes him cry more. Thinking the storm outside might be causing him alarm, the nurse closes the curtains. And even the doctor appears and gives him an injection to calm him. The shot helps Ivan tremendously, even hours later, the day’s events don’t seem so bad. But then, as if there were two Ivans, he argues with himself about why he should not be so calm. Then he realizes, he should have asked the professor more about Yeshua.

Somewhere, Woland’s voice calls Ivan “a fool” as he begins to doze off. Then wakes as soon as he beings to dream and sees a man on the balcony.

Chapter 12: Black Magic Revealed

It is the opening act for Woland’s Variety show. The manager sits in his office trying to get a hold of Stepa, but still to no luck. Upon hearing that Woland has arrived, he goes to meeting him. He is accompanied by Koroviev (in his checkered suit) and Behemoth the cat, who pours himself a glass of water. At the same time, strange outages of the phones occur in the entire theater.

Woland is introduced as the show begins. He enters with Koroviev and Behemoth. They begin a bantering comedy routine and then continue onto some magic tricks. Then, Woland causes money to rain down upon the audience. People begin to fight over the money. However, a few doubt the reality of what just occurred, calling the whole thing a “mass hypnosis”. Woland asks what should be done with the doubter – and someone screamed “off with his head.” To which Woalnd obliges, sending Behemoth cut off the man’s head with his sharp claws. Of course, the entire theatre goes into hysterics and begs for his head to be put back on…to which it is and he is taken away in an ambulance, completely okay.

For their next trick Koroviev opens up a shop on the stage, where the red-headed Hella appears. After one woman takes her chance and approaches the clothing shop that has been set up and when they see the fine clothing she is given, the women in the audience rush the stage.

Another man disrupts the performance to doubt what is going on – and asks for an explanation. Instead, the three reveal the man to be having an affair, which creates chaos in the theatre, and provides the perfect time for the three to disappear.

                                                                               Art by Shaun Lynch

Chapter 13: Enter the Hero

In Ivan’s hospital room, the stranger enters, and makes Ivan feel very comfortable and that he can trust him. He got in only because the nurse is careless and left her keys lying about. Ivan recounts how he got to be in the hospital. The stranger listens intently and then tells Ivan the professor was none other than Satan. He would also like to confront him.

The stranger introduces himself as a master. And, just like Ivan, Master is in the hospital because of Pontius Pilate. He is a writer who renounced his name and life itself. He wrote a book about Pontius Pilate. He had moved into a tiny basement apartment to write. One day, he sees a woman in a black dress carrying ‘repulsive” yellow flowers. He said he was struck by the loneliness in her eyes. They immediately fell in love and she became his mistress (she was married).

This woman (who is Margarita) encourages Master to complete the novel. The novel is not received well and is not liked at all by the critics. This destroys Master. He and, subsequently, Margarita become depressed. One rainy night, Master tries to burn the manuscript, but Margarita pulls it out of the stove. She commits herself to Master, saying she will leave her husband and be back in the morning.

She said she would return the next day and be with him forever, but Master commits himself. Ivan asks Master what happened with Yeshua and Pilate, but Master refuses to discuss.

Chapter 14: Saved by the Cock Crow

Rimsky, the treasurer/manager of the theater sits in his office following the chaotic show. Outside, women run around scandalously in their undergarments. The police are summoned but quickly, the scene dissipates. Rimsky still thinks he needs to follow up on the police reports from the show itself. Rimsky receives a mysterious call from a female telling him he’ll regret it if he calls anyone.

Varenukha enters Rimsky’s office, who demands to know why he didn’t report back after posting the letters to Stepa in Yalta. Varenukha begins to conjure up an explanation, but Rimsky thinks something is off with his associate. He notices that Varenukha is actually very sick looking and also has bruises…he also seems to be casting no shadow. Just then, a red-headed woman tries to enter. She too is colored strangely, her skin appearing green and emanating from her is a putrid smell. Realizing that he knows Rimsky is on to them, he locks the door. Just then a rooster crows several times and the two fly off at dawn.

Chapter 15: The Dream of Nikanor Ivanovich

Nikanor (the chairman of Sadovaya Street) is committed to the same hospital as Ivan and the Master following the embarrassing arrest where they found foreign currency down the WC shoot. He is taken to room 119. Telling them again and again of the man in flat 50 and the Soviet currency. Acting very violently distraught, he too was given an injection, which immediately calmed him down and induced sleep. The sleep produced dreams of being interrogated in a large theater. Another shot was administered, where he fell into a dreamless slumber.

In room 120, the patient (with his head on) began looking for his head, in room 118 the master wrung his hands, and in room 119, Ivan burst into tears. The doctor gave sedatives to all the patients to calm them.

As Ivan dozed off, he heard birds that went silent as the sun set over Golgotha.


                                                                        Art by Mattias Storm